Women's Only Intro to Strength Training

Join us for this Women's Only intro to Strength Training course! Not only will you be more confident with lifting in the gym, you will know how to make progress on your own. This will be four weeks long starting September 3rd. We will meet on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9-10:15 am.

This course may be for you if...

  • If you're interested in getting stronger in the gym (and life!), but don't know where to start.

  • You are unsure if you're performing movements/exercises correctly.

  • You want to learn about the foundational lifts and what muscles they're working.

  • You typically don't have a plan when walking into the gym & just do random exercises.

  • Going to a gym intimidates you.

  • You have done strength training before, but it's been a while and you need a good refresher course!

  • You just want to lift and have fun with like-minded female individuals.

  • You want to learn how to gain and maintain lean muscle mass (AKA 'tone'!).



The first few sessions will be learning how to perform the main compound movements of exercise: squat, deadlift, press, pull, lunge. And you'll be learning why it's important to incorporate those into an exercise routine and what muscles you're using while doing them. We will talk about the importance of proper form, progressive overload, tempo, accessory exercises and RPE (rate of perceived exertion).


You will be working out in a gym and getting a little sweat on! Lifting, when done right, can also give you the same feeling of a 'hard workout' just like cardio can (minus the constant movement). We will be progressing each week whether it be in reps, weight or by feeling better with the exercises. Either way, you will get in a solid workout within those 75 minutes.

Nutritional Guidance

Along with strength training, eating the proper foods and amounts is key in maintaining and/or gaining lean muscle mass over time. Coach Molly is also our nutritionist at the gym and that's her expertise! She will be providing some basic nutritional guidance to see small gains in the gym with this program!